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Jóhannes K. Kristjánsson
Icelandic Nature
" My paintings could take up to a month to finish, nature is delicate and requires precision"
Jóhannes K. Kristjánsson is from Aðaldal, but has lived in Seltjarnarnes for almost 30 years. He was born in 1965 and has been painting on and off for over 20 years. He likes to paint works that require precision, mostly things in nature. He is a self-taught painter, but has attended various painting courses. Jóhannes paints in oil and some works take a long time, sometimes up to a month, as his works are delicate. He uses every free time to paint, but his main job is sound engineer at Stöð2 and Bylgjuni. He has held solo exhibitions at Art 67 and in the Seltjarnaness library, Jóhannes has also participated in various group exhibitions such as at Art67 on Laugavegin, in Skálholt, Gallerí Göng in Háteigskirkja and atthe Medina Art Gallery in Rome in collaboration with Capital Culture House in Spain.